Monday, 24 May 2010


What problem did you identify:
When starting the first year, you are very nervous and panicked, and your unsure about what will be going on in your first year.
Your unaware of how busy you actually are, and it was confusing to start with, about what days you have briefings and visual language, lectures, electives and assessments.

What evidence did you find to support your decisions:
I asked people in the year about how they felt when they first started.
Also, my own feelings and experiences throughout this year.

What methods did you use to gather your evidence and what forms did it take:
I looked back at the calendar to find out what we did and when, and also looked at calendars that are around today, to see how they are laid out.
I asked people how they felt about particular briefs, and what they found difficult.
There was a book I found in the library that was really useful, and inspired me to look into the sweet idea.. also made me think a lot about the symbols and what I could do, and how to lay the information out.
Feedback sessions in studio time gave me chance to get some evidence for my work

What methods of research did you find useful and why:
The information graphics book was really useful and helped me make better decisions about what I wanted in my book.
Also, feedback from other people in the year helped me think of new products and different ways of laying out the timeline.

How did these inform your response to your problem:
With their answers, I was able to collect what I needed for the time scale, for instance- the feelings and the important times of the day.
Also got me thinking about what products I could produce, that would reach out to the right audience.

What research could you have carried out that would have proved more useful:

I think more in depth questions would have been better, getting qualitative answers would be better to reach out to more people, as everyone is different, not everyone would be feeling the same as I did.

5 things learnt about the design process:
- Timelines are really confusing, and takes a lot of patience to get it right.
- Simple, visual ways to show information, rather than relying on words.
- Packaging- different ways to store products and distribute them. 


5 things you would do differently next time:
- Stay later and making sure my 'list to do' is finished for that day!
- Look at different ways to set out the timeline. I did a few trial and errors and panicked as I didn't think I had enough time, and I think there would be a better visual way of laying out the information, which would be much more exciting to look at.
- Work with more materials. Crafting, screen print, animation.. be more ambitious.

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