Wednesday, 16 February 2011


Overall, I am really pleased with my animations and my packaging.
There are, however, still a few changes that I would like to make that would improve the product.
I think that I should have done more storyboards, as I found it helped a lot in the previous ‘silent movie’ project. But I found it difficult to decide where to begin with a 50 second animation and I decided to draw up small sequences that I could put together to create the title sequence. 
At the beginning of the module, I had never used after effects or done any kind of animation.
I took to after effects quite well, and was able to do the basic rotating of images, scaling and changing opacity.
When I started to do the idents and title sequence, I had more layers in after effects. Grouping the layers together using colour really helped and saved me a lot of time.
I also made use of the parenting technique that was shown to us, as my layers had to move at the same time to the same place.
I think the subject I chose was difficult not to make too 'animatey', and I was very conscious of this, but I feel that my animations aren't too animated and has a good balance.
I did have quite a few problems with saving my work, with files going missing and also my USB stick wasn’t working properly, which didn’t help.
To make sure this didn’t happen again, I got another USB stick and made files within, that was just for after effects, which I found made life much easier and I didn’t have anymore problems with losing files.
For my packaging, I decided that I wanted it to look like a comic book. I measured a comic and made my DVD case the same size. I really like how it looks all in all, but the crafting of it could be much better, if I had been more organised and left myself more time.
I made a bad decision to use PVA glue to stick the back cover onto my 'comic' and it's made the surface crinkly. If I was to do it again, I would use spray mount.
I would have liked to experiment more with the layout and colour of my packaging, to see what would have worked better.
The plastic sleeve makes the 'comic' look more like a collectables item and that is how it would be seen, if it was out in store.

The images that I used in my animation changed a lot from my original idea. If I was doing this project again, I would like to look at using the illustrated images and change my audience back to 18+. I think that the animation would look much different to my final pieces.

From working in group crits, I have made adjustments to my layout and animation. I feel that I have got a lot out of this module, for example, I have improved with my organisation of layers in illustrator/photoshop/after effects and saving my work in a sufficient way. 
I really enjoyed doing motion graphics, and I hope that I will be able to use this again soon. 

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